Seeing Paris from the river, as Nancy Webb does, gives a new perspective:
And Paris!
Who cares if it is raining? The houseboat is charming, with parquet floors and beautiful wood walls and stained glass on every door. It’s a tiny little place, bath with two bedrooms, a downstairs cabin with a table and upstairs (above deck, I guess) a little room where we have morning coffee and croissants and watch the river traffic go by.
We love Sainte Germaine, bustling with so many mouth-watering restaurants. We saw a Bach and Handel concert with a full choir in the Abby Sainte Germaine de Pres, then went and had mussels in white wine, fries, and French onion soup for a late night dinner. Downstairs, at the brasserie, a few intrepid souls were singing karaoke, televised for us upstairs diners.
The many tourist bateaux going by at night lull us to sleep as the water laps from their wake. The loudspeakered voice announcing the Quai D’Orsay is very familiar now: we love coming home to our little boat.
This morning we slept late and arise to our breakfast of croissants, baguette, cafe au lait, and tea for Jack. Breakfast is left for us in the wheelhouse, where we watch the passing scene on the river, strawberry dribbling down our chins.
©Nancy Webb, 2000. Used with permission. Nancy Webb lives in Northern California.
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